
非洲伙伴来“湘”聚 展望中非合作的光明未来 African Friends Gather in Hunan: Looking Towards a Bright Future for China-Africa Cooperation
新湖南 • top news
2024-09-05 20:23:28

湖南日报·新湖南客户端9月5日讯(记者 冯宇轩 田梦瑶 通讯员 袁妤萱 实习生 邓湘军)95日,中非合作论坛北京峰会隆重开幕。此次峰会为中非关系的未来发展指明了新方向,开启了中非关系的新篇章。近日,由中央广播电视总台CGTN、湖南省委宣传部主办的非洲媒体看中国湖南行活动正在如火如荼地进行中。来自非洲各国的14位媒体代表走访2024湖南(长沙)跨境电商交易会、中国(湖南)自由贸易试验区、三一星沙产业园、湖南杂交水稻研究中心、常德万亩示范片区及湘西十八洞村等地,所到之处,他们好奇地用手中的相机记录,中文、英语、法语、阿拉伯语交织在一起,热闹非凡。

Hunan Daily · Hunan Today, September 5 (Reporters Feng Yuxuan, Tian Mengyao, Correspondent Yuan Yuxuan, Intern Deng Xiangjun) — On September 5, the Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) was grandly inaugurated. This summit has charted a new course for the future development of China-Africa relations and opened a new chapter in the partnership. Recently, the "African Media Look at China" Hunan tour, co-hosted by CGTN and the Publicity Department of the CPC Hunan Provincial Committee, has been in full swing. Fourteen media representatives from various African countries visited key locations such as the 2024 Hunan (Changsha) Cross-border E-commerce Fair, the China (Hunan) Pilot Free Trade Zone, Sany Xing Sha Industrial Park, Hunan Hybrid Rice Research Center, Changde’s ten-thousand-acre demonstration area, and Shibadong Village in Xiangxi. Everywhere they went, they eagerly captured moments with their cameras, and a lively blend of Chinese, English, French, and Arabic could be heard in the air.


The African media delegation visiting Hunan was pleasantly surprised to discover that many African projects are "taking root and flourishing" in the province. At the Gaoqiao Grand Market, located within the Free Trade Pilot Zone, a significant "bridge" for China-Africa trade has been established. This market hosts a permanent pavilion for the China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo, showcasing products and industries from 53 African countries and regions. Over 1,200 African products, including Ethiopian coffee beans, Kenyan flowers, and Egyptian perfumes, are on display and available for purchase year-round. The African media members were delighted to find specialties from their home countries in Hunan, and their faces lit up with joy.


On the afternoon of September 1, the African media delegation conducted exclusive interviews with executives from companies such as "Coffee Z" and Mainland Group's Côte d'Ivoire project, gaining in-depth insights into their experiences and achievements in China-Africa trade cooperation. SSylivanus Musonera Karemera, Editor-in-Chief of Rwanda Broadcasting Agency, expressed his hope that China's outstanding companies would bring their knowledge to Rwanda and share "Chinese wisdom." Zhu Chen, Chairman of Mainland Group, shared their success in investing nearly $70 million in Côte d'Ivoire to establish four natural rubber processing plants.


As the CEO of "Coffee Z", a well-known coffee brand in Hunan, Jing Jianhua revealed during the interview that they plan to establish a China-Africa Coffee Industry Alliance in China. This alliance aims to bring together more Chinese coffee supply chain and roasting companies to jointly promote the sale of African coffee in the Chinese market. Jing is confident about the future of the Chinese coffee market, predicting that within the next five to ten years, China's coffee demand will reach one million tons. This growth will further support the long-term development of African agricultural products in the Chinese market. "With the prosperity of the Chinese market, the lives of African people will also improve," he remarked.

此次非洲媒体看湖南”活动中,大多数非洲媒体人都是初次来到湖南。摩洛哥家园电视台记者Zakariae Ejjabri感叹湖南天气“火辣”,吃的火辣,人也很“火辣”。在中非合作领域不断突破的湖南人,正在用“火辣辣”的热情,欢迎这些远道而来的非洲伙伴

During the "African Media Look at Hunan" event, most of the African media representatives were visiting Hunan for the first time. Zakariae Ejjabri, a reporter from Morocco's Al Aoula TV, remarked on how "Hot" Hunan is—not only the weather and the food, but also the people. We observed that the people of Hunan, who continue to make significant strides in China-Africa cooperation, are extending a warm and "Hot" welcome to their friends from Africa.






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