
Top tourist attractions in Hunan | Yuelu Academy(岳麓书院)
新湖南 • top news
2019-02-04 08:49:53


The Yuelu Academy is on the east side of Yuelu Mountain in Changsha, the capital of Hunan province, China. As one of the four most prestigious academies over the last 1000 years in China, Yuelu Academy has been a famous institution of higher learning as well as a centre of academic activities and cultures since it was formally set up during the Northern Song dynasty.


Yuelu Academy has gone through thousands of years and is still alive today. In the Northern Song Dynasty, the government funded and officially founded Yuelu Academy. After the Southern Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, to the end of the Guangxu dynasty in the late Qing Dynasty (AD 1903), the Yuelu Academy and the Hunan Provincial University Hall were merged into the Hunan Higher School, and the former site of the Academy was used.


Today's Yuelu Academy is not only the cultural and literary talent training and research base of Hunan University, but also the tourist attraction of Hunan Province. It is the cultural window and cultural business card of Changsha.


Translated by Muying Revised by Yang


