
新湖南 • top news
2019-05-16 19:59:54

我为长沙打CALL丨澳大利亚重型机械集团董事长Shane Rouhan:长沙国际工程机械展会成为有影响力的中国盛会

展会第二天,来自澳大利亚的Shane Rouhan依旧一身正装出席,认真地向各个展厅的工作人员了解新型机械,探索合作的可能。这次,Shane 是特意为了长沙国际工程机械展览而来。当提起对展会的印象,他止不住地跟记者点头夸赞。“这次展会办得很出色,产品也很丰富。” 高新的机械设备让他目不暇接,对未来长沙的展览Shane充满期待,“这个展会一定会成为工程机械行业极具影响力的中国盛会,期待更多的优秀产品。”

On the second day of the exhibition, Shane Rouhan from Australia was still wearing a formal dress, seriously understanding the new machinery and exploring the possibility of cooperation with the staff of each exhibition hall. This time, Shane came specifically for the Changsha International Construction Equipment Exhibition. “(This exhibition is)very good! Very well done.” Shane said that he is also looking forward to the future exhibition. “In the future, there will be many more products. It will be strong in the exhibition in China.”


Shane is the director of the Nationwide machinery group, and an expert in the mechanical industry. In addition to the exhibition in Changsha, he has visited many other exhibitions. When asked if there is any suggestions for the Changsha International Construction Equipment Exhibition in the coming years. He smiled and said that one small suggestion he could give was to hope that there would be more food for foreigners. “There are lots of Chinese. So still okay, we can eat just lunchbox.” Shane said.

“长沙变化太大了!” 这并不是他第一次来长沙。一次次长沙之旅,让他感受到了湖南的巨变。Shane感触最深的是长沙的交通发展,“长沙陆续修建了高铁和地铁。14年前,特别是冬天,飞机可能会因为天气原因无法起飞。而现在从长沙到广州的高铁每隔20分钟就有一班,特别方便。”

Shane also impressed by the development of industrial enterprises in Changsha. Many Hunan enterprises like Zoomlion have gradually entered the stage of the world. As early as 14 years ago, his company started its cooperation with Zoomlion. During the 14 years of cooperation, he realized that Zoomlion is a worthy partner. Shane said, “There will be much more cooperations between China and Australia in the future.”


Shane also impressed by the development of industrial enterprises in Changsha. Many Hunan enterprises like Zoomlion have gradually entered the stage of the world. As early as 14 years ago, his company started its cooperation with Zoomlion. During the 14 years of cooperation, he realized that Zoomlion is a worthy partner. Shane said, “There will be much more cooperations between China and Australia in the future.”

新湖南客户端记者 周杨 视频拍摄 周林熙 视频剪辑 李真明

